Monday 9 May 2011


During this process of studying the affects the wider world may have upon a design practice I have noticed a few things; firstly it is extremely important to form good working relationships with companies, especially large corporations because there potential for more work and income. 

I have also learnt that the client is the most important person in the design; if they are not financially stable enough to invest the work load can quickly drop off and change is quick to happen within a large corporation. 

It is also very clever to try and stay ahead of the client; understand what its future needs may be, this shows a desire to want to work with the client in the future and increases the possibility of much needed work load. 

Even these large changes at high level with the corporations have affected me as a student designer at Newman Gauge; I have seen a more varied work load due to the changes a Punch Taverns and the need for work to come from elsewhere. I have also learnt the importance of finding the need of the consumer before designing of the actual venue can begin; also I learnt that the best way to find out this kind of information was directly from using questionnaires such as the one I used on Facebook.

Stonegate High Street Branding

I have been given the job of researching the current market in order to produce mood boards and a presentation for Stonegate's high street locations; they have purchased many high street bars that are currently loosing money; we are looking to package up a new scheme and concept for the existing venues. 

Using various sources such as Mintel I compiled information about current high street brands such as Revolution bars and also the needs of the current consumer. I also used Facebook to conduct a small questionnaire; I spammed various people and got some interesting feedback about what people want. I put forward some ideas that we had discussed in the office and people gave feedback as to whether they think it could be a successful idea.

The production of this presentation by Newman Gauge was a clever mood; there had been no confirmation that there was going to be any work out of the high street brands but the forward thinking from the directors by presenting the client with an answer before the question has put the company in good contention of gaining more work. 

The presentation took place this week; we are awaiting feedback. 

Sunday 17 April 2011

Stonegate Progress

Since the initial fast paced work load from Stonegate there have been more briefs for a higher end brand; this showing there are developments in the marketing department. The first jobs were quick turnaround in order to get the brand off the ground, the briefs were to challenge current designs on the market of low end pub dining and bring a new life into them; toilets were a big issue as its becoming more important to provide customers with good quality facilities even at a lower budget. I was part of the Stonegate process and did some research into competitors facilities, sourced possible finishes such as tiles and vanity counter laminates. We wanted to produce a higher quality more aspirational design that was functional and robust. 

With the design for the rest of the pub, they wanted to create a brighter more contemporary scheme to rival other brands, again we would research the competition and produce mood boards to present to the client. 

This process showed me the importance of giving the client what they want; working well with the Stonegate directors and meeting deadlines was also important as the possibility for future work is very likely.

Sunday 27 March 2011


Since the last blog there have been changes in the financial world that have effected Newman Gauge Design; after the initial shifting of corporate debt in Punch Taverns, the impression was that the work would die down for a while, which they have on the Punch Side. However with the Punch brand deciding not to invest; there has been activity in other brewery brands, particularly Mitchells & Butler. M & B are another important client of Newman Gauge, a lot of work comes for the lower brands of this company such as Sizzling Pub Co. and Crown Carveries; this work load is steady and there is some talk of more investment and change in these brands.

However, M & B have agreed a deal to sell 300 of there pubs at various locations to another company that has started under the name Stonegate Pub Co. With the previous connections at M & B, Newman Gauge have acquired some initial design work from the new company investing to change the brand of various pubs. 

The first set of investment is at a low level with Stonegate investing to change various O'neills on the high street to Molloy's with a small investment of 300k for these outlets they have purchased, a simple name change and possible low budget refurbishments. 

Molloy's Logo

Thursday 24 March 2011

Punch Taverns

When I first started at Newman Gauge a large portion of their work was coming from breweries investing in pubs to drive brands forward and in turn produce more of a profit. A large section of this work was coming from Punch Taverns; the project we were working on were from 30,000 pounds and upwards, the investments are high so therefore fees aren't high but it is still an income for the business. 

However, with the economic climate being unstable Punch decided to make some changes to the company and move their debt around to reduce costs etc. in order to push the brand forward and reduce the risk of losing more money.

This can either have an positive or negative effect upon the design industry and in particular Newman Gauge; if they sold some of their pubs they could then invest in the remaining pubs and create work for design practices, or they could just move their debt by leasing pubs or selling and paying of debt. 

They decided to do the latter, merging brands, and therefore the work load from Punch Taverns decreased dramatically; they put a large majority of their investment on hold including Newman Gauge's work.

Thursday 17 March 2011


My last blog post was regarding a specific client of Newman Gauge; this was a good way to recognise how a large and successful client can affect the company but also understanding the importance of a working relationship.

I will now focus the blog on how financial aspects effect Newman Gauge; the design industry is led by finance; simply because people need to invest in order for design companies to have work and projects to work upon; in turn bringing in an income. Therefore when financial situations change in either and positive or negative way for a client this can have an impact directly upon the design industry. 

To conduct my study of the financial impacts to Newman Gauge from potential clients I will use various sources such as The Publican, which is a website covering all news and aspects of the pub trade, also I will use information gained from talking to the director of the company, Brian Gauge, who has close contacts with senior members within many different organisations within the leisure industry.

I will aim to keep the information up to date and in chorological order.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Bourne Leisure

Newman Gauge have a varied portfolio of work, a large client is Bourne Leisure who own holiday resort companies such as Butlin's; who have provided repeat business for the company with Newman Gauge being the lead designer for the interior scheme of the last new build hotel completed at the Bognor Regis site, The Ocean Hotel & Spa. Through the contacts Newman Gauge have and the relationships that have been built; this creates a good connection for future work and any refurbishment/ maintenance of previous designs.

The Ocean Hotel & Spa

 Typical Room Layout

Ocean Spa



Newman Gauge was responsible for all the above interior schemes for the new build hotel at the Bognor Regis site.

Butlin's is currently one of the most successful holiday resort company's in the UK with profits increasing 

They are a company who are wanting to invest to increase there profits and move forward in the market; this is a client who wants to change their image and doing so costs money; therefore there is a lot of promise for designers who want to be part of the change. 
From seeing how the company is linked with companies such as Bourne leisure, I have become aware of the importance of keeping in contact with a client and how to keep relationships strong as there is often the chance of repeat business; when times are hard and the opportunites for work are low, as it there are currently, the state of these relationships could make or break a design company. For large projects such as new build hotels there are large design fees, the competition for these fees can be fierce so again it is important to forge a positive working relationship.


Monday 21 February 2011


I am a student at the University of Derby, studying Architectural Venue Design; in my third year on placement at a design practice called Newman Gauge Design Associates based in Birmingham. They are designers for the leisure industry and cover many areas from small pub refurbishments to large scale new build hotels. 

The aim of this blog is to identify the wider world that effects the company whether it is a social, ethical or financial influence, it what way it has an impact upon the company and how the company responds. I will also see how these issues may affect my placement year and change the role of my placement or the jobs I will be carrying out.
(Currently being redesigned) 
