Sunday 13 March 2011

Bourne Leisure

Newman Gauge have a varied portfolio of work, a large client is Bourne Leisure who own holiday resort companies such as Butlin's; who have provided repeat business for the company with Newman Gauge being the lead designer for the interior scheme of the last new build hotel completed at the Bognor Regis site, The Ocean Hotel & Spa. Through the contacts Newman Gauge have and the relationships that have been built; this creates a good connection for future work and any refurbishment/ maintenance of previous designs.

The Ocean Hotel & Spa

 Typical Room Layout

Ocean Spa



Newman Gauge was responsible for all the above interior schemes for the new build hotel at the Bognor Regis site.

Butlin's is currently one of the most successful holiday resort company's in the UK with profits increasing 

They are a company who are wanting to invest to increase there profits and move forward in the market; this is a client who wants to change their image and doing so costs money; therefore there is a lot of promise for designers who want to be part of the change. 
From seeing how the company is linked with companies such as Bourne leisure, I have become aware of the importance of keeping in contact with a client and how to keep relationships strong as there is often the chance of repeat business; when times are hard and the opportunites for work are low, as it there are currently, the state of these relationships could make or break a design company. For large projects such as new build hotels there are large design fees, the competition for these fees can be fierce so again it is important to forge a positive working relationship.


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