Monday 9 May 2011


During this process of studying the affects the wider world may have upon a design practice I have noticed a few things; firstly it is extremely important to form good working relationships with companies, especially large corporations because there potential for more work and income. 

I have also learnt that the client is the most important person in the design; if they are not financially stable enough to invest the work load can quickly drop off and change is quick to happen within a large corporation. 

It is also very clever to try and stay ahead of the client; understand what its future needs may be, this shows a desire to want to work with the client in the future and increases the possibility of much needed work load. 

Even these large changes at high level with the corporations have affected me as a student designer at Newman Gauge; I have seen a more varied work load due to the changes a Punch Taverns and the need for work to come from elsewhere. I have also learnt the importance of finding the need of the consumer before designing of the actual venue can begin; also I learnt that the best way to find out this kind of information was directly from using questionnaires such as the one I used on Facebook.

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