Sunday 17 April 2011

Stonegate Progress

Since the initial fast paced work load from Stonegate there have been more briefs for a higher end brand; this showing there are developments in the marketing department. The first jobs were quick turnaround in order to get the brand off the ground, the briefs were to challenge current designs on the market of low end pub dining and bring a new life into them; toilets were a big issue as its becoming more important to provide customers with good quality facilities even at a lower budget. I was part of the Stonegate process and did some research into competitors facilities, sourced possible finishes such as tiles and vanity counter laminates. We wanted to produce a higher quality more aspirational design that was functional and robust. 

With the design for the rest of the pub, they wanted to create a brighter more contemporary scheme to rival other brands, again we would research the competition and produce mood boards to present to the client. 

This process showed me the importance of giving the client what they want; working well with the Stonegate directors and meeting deadlines was also important as the possibility for future work is very likely.

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